LOVE ROSE" unfolds as a symphony of scents, initiating an invigorating crescendo with a burst of radiant citrus, sun-kissed peaches, and the succulent juiciness of pears. This lively prelude, akin to the spirited overture of nature's orchestra, sets an enchanting stage for a seamless transition into a floral heart. Here, the fragrant ballet of freesia, lily of the valley, and violet takes center stage, their delicate choreography weaving a tapestry of sweetness and elegance. This harmonious interplay not only evokes romance but also celebrates refined sophistication.

As the fragrance matures, it gracefully descends into the embrace of a warm and musky finale, adorned with subtle undertones reminiscent of velvety powder and the earthy richness of seasoned wood. This final movement is not merely a conclusion but a lingering epilogue, leaving an indelible impression that envelops the wearer in a captivating blend—a melange of allure that is both magnetic and exquisitely well-rounded.
"LOVE ROSE" is a promise, a commitment to a versatile olfactory journey. It transcends the ordinary, seamlessly adapting to the vibrant vivacity of the day and the irresistible allure of the evening. It is not merely a fragrance; it is an olfactory masterpiece, a poetic expression that dances on the skin, leaving an enduring trail of sophisticated allure.

 Paccket size: 6 x3 x 2.5 cm
weight : 210 Gm
Pacjing: single Bottle
Shelf life: 5 years
Quantity of Fragrance: 50ml

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